Mens Fashion,Style ,Dating,Sex Finger Tips | Palm astrology

Finger Tips

Finger Tips

The Finger Tips      

The finger tips, in Palmistry, are classed as the Spatulate, the Square, the Conic, and the Pointed, and all refer to the impression the tips make on the eye. In this chapter we are considering only the shape of the tips of the fingers and not of the whole hand, so that fingers with spatulate tips are not to be classed as spatulate hands, but as spatulate tips. My observation has been that students become hopelessly confused by speaking of spatulate and square hands, owing to the fact that one seldom sees a hand take as a whole which belongs, pure and simple, to tone of these formulations. You constantly see spatulate and square or conic fingers and tips, maybe a different tip on every finger in the same hand. These have been called mixed hands. Student have constantly told be they could not tell to which class hands belonged, and I have found that this inability to class whole hands as square, spatulate, or conic has entirely befogged those who have tried to do so. I have, for this reason dropped the practice of speaking of square or spatulate hands, and use, instead, square and spatulate tips.

The first tip to be considered is called the Spatulate, named because of its resemblance to a druggist's spatula (51). As an aid to memory, which is sure to be of great assistance in handling all the tips, remember the vital life-current entering the body through the tips of the fingers. The more pointed the tip, the easier this current enters, consequently the more direct the connecting link between the subject and its Creator. For this reason it has been found that the more pointed the tip, the more idealistic the subject; the broader the tip, the more practical and common-sense they will be. When we look at the spatulate tip, we see the broadest tip, as well as the one presenting the greatest amount of resistance to the entrance of the life current, consequently this tip has be very practical side. The individual possessing it is the exponent of realism in everything. In life they seek always the practical, commonsense side, and spatulate tips have been called the tips of real life. The moving desire of the spatulate tip is for action, exercise, and movement. There is no walk in life where the spatulate tip is found, that is not made to respond to this marvelous activity. In their daily life its possessor is constantly on the go; they inspire all about themselves with their wonderful enthusiasm and activity. In books they love tales of action, hunting, war, or history that is filled with achievement and life. In amusements they seek the active sports, is fond of the chase, of football, baseball, golf, or anything that gives expression to their great love of activity.
In pictures they love scenes depicting motion and action, and still-life does not appeal to them at all; battles and hunting scenes are their favorites. They make a good soldier, for they are filled with life and enthusiasm, and will go to their death for a leader whom they love. They are fond of horses, dogs, in fact, of all animals. They are a strong lover and are constant and true. There is little that is vacillating about them. They are real, earnest, and practical.
The spatulate tip also shows great originality. This individual does not do things by any well ordered system or by established rules. They like to think of new ways in which to expend their energies, so they invent new methods or new machines, always with something practical in view. They follow no creeds, but have their own ideas on religion, and is often called a crank. They love independence, and pursues their active way through life caring little what people say of them. In whatever they undertake you find them skillful, for it is not their intention to be in the rear. For this reason they are among our great discoverers, and has scoured sea and land, hunting for new fields and new countries on which to expend their energy. When they get to a new country they at once set to work putting all of their activity and originality and originality into operation: thus they not only discovers, but builds up and develops new lands. They are everywhere a power in activity, originality, and enterprise. Whenever you see this tip, think of these qualities.





The Square tip is one which is distinctly square at the end of the finger, the exact appearance being will shown by the accompanying illustration (52). This tip indicates regularity, order, system, and arrangement in everything. There are the people to whom disorder, whether in the home or in the store or shop, is an abomination. They can be happy only when everything with which they are connected is well ordered, systematically arranged, and done according to rule. "A place for everything and everything in its place,", is their motto.
They think by rule, eat by rule, are never late to dinner, always on time at the office, and insist that everyone else shall be. They do the same things at the same hour each day, and punctiliously keep every appointment they make. They have a certain hook for their coats, and they are always hung there, sos that in the dark they can put their hands on everything they own, provided conic tips have not been around. They rise and retire at an appointed time, and everything they do is governed by rule and system. They are polite, strict observers of social customs and resent any breaking away from accustomed forms. In literature, square tips love history, scientific and mathematical works. In art they love paintings of natural scenery, still-file, or buildings. They are also fond of sculpture and make the best sculptors They are skilful in games, often good shots, careful in dress, and methodical in everything they think or do. Thus, with square tips, think of regular qualities, system, order, and arrangement in everything. If the tip is very square these qualities are most pronounced; if a little conic they will be less tied down by such absolute regularity. The square tip is the useful tip, and is found in all the practical walks of life. It shows the good bookkeeper, clerk, merchant, or librarian, the calculator, mathematician, and exact scientist; in fact, there people will be found useful everywhere that system, order and good methods are required. Square tips will add square qualities to each individual finger and Mount, and make the Mount types punctual and systematic. Their possessors do no act by impulse by by thought and method. Always, in everything, good or bad, they have order and system.

The Conic tip(53) is found mostly on the hands of women, though it is possessed by many men. In shape it forms a distinct cone on the end of the fingers, and has many degrees of development. Where the cone is not pronounced, it shows less of the conic qualities, tending more to square or spatulate. Conic tips show the artistic, impulsive, quick, intuitive person, one to whom the beautiful and harmonious in all things appeals most strongly, and who is very impressionable. To those having the conic tip with smooth fingers, it matters not so much that things be useful as that they be beautiful, and this side of life is their point of view, consequently they care little for system. To them the regularity of the square tip is burdensome. They greatly love all that attracts the eye or pleases the ear, and life seems less a matter of labor than of enjoyment. They do not care to deal with figures, nor do they have a place for everything; surely they do not always keep everything in its place.
The conic tips being talented, quick of mind, and highly intuitive, this faculty of intuition is one of their greatest possessions, and greatest dangers, for they rely on it much more than on methodical systems of reasoning, which take labor to acquire. They think quickly; the life current does not take as long to enter the conic tips as though the square or spatulate; thus it is quick, instinctive intuition that guides them, rather than slow methods of thought. They are more inclined to idealism than to the actual and real things of life, and with these artistic tendencies they seek occupations where there is a good field for the operation of their intuitive powers, and where their love of beauty and art can find a fuller expression. In all things these conic qualities are shown. the home will be beautiful and artistic, but not systematically arranged. Their dress will be in harmony, but their bureaus at home are probably in confusion. In art they do not like battle scenes so much as picture which appeal to the imagination. They want inspiration in their paintings rather than actual landscapes. Art, to them, means freedom from conventionality. In books they prefer romance to history; in food they prefer dainties to roast beef, and everywhere artistic, intuitive qualities are theirs. They are sympathetic, emotional, often easily led, consequently are not such constant lovers. Strongly susceptible to impressions, while beauty lasts they love better than after it fades. The eye, the ear, the senses are all trained to respond to beauty, harmon, and artistic surroundings. Conic tips are a poetic, lovable, attractive class. So when these conic fingers are seen, think of art, beauty, quickness ,intuition, grace, harmony, and idealism, and you will fond these are the ruling forces in the subject, rather than the desire for action, or the common-sense regularity of the square fingers.








Pointed tips (54) are an exaggerated form of the conic. Their appearance is so characteristic that, once seen, they are never mistaken for any other, as their long, narrow, extremely pointed look will not be forgotten. There pointed tips belong to a class whose realm is entirely mental. They have no part or place in the materialistic operations of business, nor can they be held down to any se way of doing things. They are highly inspirational, idealistic of business, nor can they be held down to any set way of doing things. They are highly inspirational, idealistic in the extreme, and dwell in cloudland, mentally far from the bustle of a practical money-seeking world. To them beauty is all in all- thoughts, dreams and visions take them through a vista of imaginings, and life is happy or unhappy in proportion to their ability to indulge there beautiful fancies. They are in no sense fitted for hard knocks, but are obstructed on a plane too high for usefulness or great happiness on earth. They are beautiful and refining in their influence, but if they fall into coarse and brutal surroundings, or even those which are too practical, they chafe and suffer from the uncongeniality. Life to them is not real; it is poetic, visionary, and dreamy. Earth is not their sphere; they are in spiritual leaven placed among us, for the purpose of giving a view of the higher planes of existence. They are dreamers, too finely constructed to be practical, too much engrossed by mind to care about matter. Thus the more pointed the tip the more pointed the qualities and less question that life has only disappointment for them, unless they can be so placed as to be fully at liberty to indulge all of their fancies. The time was when women love to own such fingers. They did not know the qualities that belonged to pointed tips, and thought only of the beauty of appearance. As they have come to lean that the hands which are real, practical, and useful, the ones which are making the world move, are large, square, and knotty, this preference for pretty pointed fingers is passing away. The very fact that in order to keep these pointed fingers manicured and in their greatest state of beauty, the owner must not labor or use them in harsh employment, shows their practical uselessness. When you see these pointed tips, think of the visionary dreamer, impractical, but poetical and beautiful. In handing all classes of tips, do not forget to see what is behind their qualities. A soft hand will make the spatulate tip a lover of action, not one who indulges in physical action themselves. It will lesson the vigor of the square tip, and add to the idealism of the conic and pointed. A big thumb, Mounts of Jupiter, Saturn, Apollo, and Mars, will show whether their respective qualities are back of the tip qualities as a driving force. Ambition (Jupiter), Soberness (Saturn), quickness (Mercury), aggression (Mars), and energy (consistency), are necessary to bring out the greatest possibilities of spatulate, square, conic, or pointed tips. Thus the tips show what kind of a machine you have before you, and you must find out whether there is water in the boiler and fire to turn it into steam, before you can say that the machine is acting in its intended fashion.

The Laws of Scientific Hand Reading- A practical Treatise on the Art Commonly called Palmistry 1946 Benham, William. Printed and published by R. J. Taraporevala for D. B. Tarporevala Sons & Co. Bombay



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